Us and Our Shows
How do I book tickets to see a PODS show?
Currently all tickets for PODS shows are to be booked on the theatres website or by calling the theatre. Our site includes numerous booking links for the theatre's websites so the process could not be any easier. Information on the theatres is also provided on here or can be easily found on their own websites.
Where are the shows located?
PODS shows vary location depending on how we need to use the space. Our larger musicals require more stage size whereas our plays and smaller concerts require smaller spaces or specific locations. Click HERE for information on the venues where we regularly perform.
Who are PODS?
The Peterborough Operatic and Dramatic Society (PODS) is a theatrical company made up of volunteers. Together each year we put on various musicals and shows. Our trustees and wider committee are responsible for the day to day running of our society. For more information please check our ABOUT US and WHO WE ARE pages.
Joining PODS
How can I join the Peterborough Operatic and Dramatic Society?
Can I join PODS without being an acting member?
Of course! We have various other options for joining or supporting PODS. Apart from becoming an acting member, you can become a non - acting member or a patron. These rolls differ, so please make sure to check out our JOIN IN page and our BECOME A PATRON page for more information.
Publicity & Advertising
Advertising with PODS
If you are looking for opportunities to advertise with PODS, in a programme etc; or you have a possible way to promote our society and our shows, please contact our publicity email address on our CONTACT page for more information.
Our Website & Social Media
Media Contact
Our social media accounts and website have been created and maintained by members of our society. If you have any questions in regards to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Website, please email us HERE and we'll be happy to help.
(p.s. if its a spelling mistake we thank you in advance )
If you are having any issues with navigating our website, please check out our SITE MAP for a full list of all pages and links.